Blog Wars, The Yankees, Fur, and Other Stuff from Around the Web

Everyone who blogs ought to familiarize themselves with the recent dust-up as described here. Click
here: CAMPONTHIS: BATTLES IN THE BLOGOSPHERE ...when conflicts arise, how
should we respond and work towards resolve? My advice is familiarize yourself with your blog provider's terms of service, know what constitutes libel and slander, and know your legal rights should someone falsely accuse you and then pressure your service provider to pull your blog.
So, animal rights groups don't like the Pope wearing fur. It creeps me out too--for theological reasons, not because I think animals have rights. Andy has all the rights that I choose to give him! I guess we Reformed-types are safe from such protests until someone complains about the wearing of oxford cloth button-down shirts--the official garb of the Reformed minister. Click here: AFP: Animal rights group protests over Pope's fur
What a great couple of days for Yankee fans. We get Marte, Nady, and I-Rod (we surrender only one top ten prospect, and a relief pitcher who can't be trusted in big games), while the Red Sox lose Manny (a true Yankee killer), two top prospects, and 7 mil, and only get Jason Bay in return. Makes me think there might be at least 163 games for us this year, the last in the old Yankee Stadium.
Reader Comments (17)
Thank you for the link on this issue. I frequent your blog and so appreciate all you are doing for the kingdom.
BTW, you have some of the most brilliant and humorous one liners I have read in a long time. I,e, - "So, animal rights groups don't like the Pope wearing fur. It creeps me out too--for theological reasons," AND "Lets see. . . Gays can now marry in California, but they can't consume trans fats."
If I laugh any louder, Todd Bentley will think I have caught the Florida Outpouring.
Grace and peace to you,
2 Cor. 4:5-7
PS - Great stuff on Amillennialism.
Few people realize that the Pirates have been one of the top five hitting/run scoring teams this year. This fact has been obscured by the fact that they have the worst starting pitching in their history this year.
Had they even a mediocre starting staff they would no doubt be in contention right now.
The Yankees dont realize how greatly they will benefit from Nady, and the Redsox don't even realize how good Bay is. Nady would be better if he didn't get hurt so easily. Marte on the other hand is really only useful as a one or two batter specialist. Any further, and he will give up homeruns at the least opportune moments. Trust me on that. His numbers are way better than he is.
I am stoked about these deals from the Pirates perspective. The influx of pitchers will certainly benefit the bucs immediately.
Maybe Junior's presence will send a shock through the rest of the team and kick 'em up notch for the remainder of the season. Dunno.
The three REAL sports are in Wisconsin:
1) Football,
2) Hockey,
3) Seeing what's gonna happen next in the Brett Favre saga.
I told you your one liners are great! I'd rather read them than the article you put the link to! Now don't go getting the big head (smile), Rick Warren doesn't like anymore competition. BTW, did you know that Richard Abanes 'pastor' is RW? HHHHMMM...........
Speaking of California, yesterday I called my brother and he couldn't talk on his cell phone while driving, because he could get a ticket. But Calirornia law says that's it O.K. to text message while driving. (Go and fugure that one out!)
Well said and I fully agree with you. That is why I tried to take a different approach and tone on my own article. I hope you didn't find it in that same arena of mutual snipping.
Grace and peace,
2 Tim. 2:24-26
James 3:3-12
I feel very frustrated with our current politicians. I usually try take things calmly, but they have finally pushed me over the edge. Nanny state is the right word for our government, especially here in California. These dictators of morality think they are on higher moral ground because they use paper bags and keep us safe from harmful food, yet they fail to see that they are causing great harm with other things like "gay marriage" (which in California is just an attempt for social and govermental acceptance, since homosexual couples can have the same "rights" which married couples have). California is truly the land of fruits, flakes, and nuts.
Don't misunderstand me, I already avoid trans fats and do care enough for my environment that I recycle and do other things. I'm just irritated at the way the goverment tries to control our lives in things that it has no business.
Noticed in your baseball comments you talk of Sox and Yanks dueling until the end, maybe even a 163rd game!
Uhhh, overlooking anything my friend?
It is August and still, the Tampa Bay Rays are overlooked...
Assumed to be long gone by now but the Rays are still in it...
You know, it just might be possible that the Rays make it to the playoffs, meaning both the Yanks and Sox will not.
Having fun with you, thinking it entertaining that we are in August and you still are treating the Rays as if they are not even a factor in this race...
Love your blog, WHI and MR!
I am not an advocate for more fast-food in the area, but I am an opponent of the nanny state which tries to impose ridiculous laws.