Who Said That?

When asked whether the Republicans should reschedule their presidential convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul because of the approach of hurricane Gustav to the gulf coast (invoking memories of Katrina), this person answered:
"Pat Robertson should just pray the thing away"
OK . . . Who said that? Leave your guesses in the comments section below.
Update on Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 12:41PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This was a quip from Mike Huckabee on Fox News. His comments didn't sound all that "tongue in cheek" to me. It is much easier to like Huckabee's wit now that he's not running for president.
Reader Comments (25)
I'll guess the goofy Paul Crouch.
Excuse Me, Pat Robertson, But Why Is God Sending Another Hurricane Towards New Orleans For The Start Of The GOP Convention?