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Isaac Newton, 2013, and Other Interesting Stuff from Around the Web

So, if we tweak Newton's "end-time calculator," we come up with a date of 2013 for the second advent . . .   Does any of this sound familiar?  "Because of how the prophet Daniel divided the prophetic week in half, Flynn [the author who tweaks Newton's formula] believes the original founding date for the empire of the prophecy, Rome, would follow this pattern and be bisected. Therefore, correcting Newton's date, the year 753 B.C. designates the founding of the physical Rome while A.D. 753 establishes the rebirth of spiritual Rome. Counting 1,260 years forward from A.D. 753, one arrives at the year 2013."  And WorldNetDaily just keeps cranking this stuff out.  Amazing. Click here: Newton's end times calculation corrected!

For a secular culture such as ours--which has such a hard time believing the basic facts of the gospel and the Christian faith--it is a bit surprising that we remain so superstitious as a nation.  55% of American adults claim they have been touched by an angel.  If an angel ever "touches" me, I'll need to change my clothes!  Click here: Touched by an angel? Most say they've been protected -

Don't you just hate it when your prized relic turns out to be 19th century trinket?  Click here: - Revered Christian Artifact Turns Out to Be Fake - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology N

I've always had a lot of respect for firemen.  But mouth to mouth to a cat?  Hmmm . . . Click here: - Firefighter Saves Cat With Mouth-to-Mouth Resuscitation - Local News | News Articles | National News

Reader Comments (6)

Re angels, it's actually not that surprising if you consider there is a category called "secular spirtuality." The angel stuff is a bit of the flakier end of the spectrum, but what tradition (true or false) doesn't have that? The mainstream secular spiritualists I know well, on their flakier days and blushing, have claimed to see Jesus at the bottom of a communion cup or believe their dead mother was trying to say something as the sun reflected off a penny.

But I also know Presbyterians who think hurricanes and plunging stock markets have something to do with consumption, material wealth, abortion or gay pride parades. I guess flakiness, like sin, is an equal opportunity affliction.
September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZrim
I'm amazed that a quick reading of the NT doesn't give any logical person a good idea of what the Apostles would have thought of taking one of their bones and making a relic out of it. I think Paul would have had a stroke!
September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChad Winters
I used to read World Net Daily many moons ago, but then it started getting too "out there." I had no idea it had gotten this loopy.

Using the Mayan calendar as supporting evidence for crackpot end-times theories. Good Lord, help us all. And did anyone catch the link to the article about a "return of the Nephilim?"

Chris Carter doesn't have anything on these guys.
September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAmy
If I managed to calculate that the Lord was due to return in 2564, do you think there'd be a market for it?
September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip Walker
In the great reformer Martin Luther's attempt to cover all points of the Bible, he didn't leave out the Biblical teaching of Angels in the Bible.

In fact, in Luther's morning and evening prayers (which I pray every day), he says this, "Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me."

I can think of a couple of close calls recently on the highway, where I have no doubt about Angels ministering to God's elect. (Heb. 1:14)
September 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd
I discovered that "RAIDERS NEWS UPDATE" which has a link to World Net daily,is also pedaling newton's 2013 "prediction. It is interesting,they all concentrate upon things that Jesus clearly said was not of their concern ie "No man knows the time or the hour except The Father in heaven" . When I was talking about amillenialism/postmillenialism in referring to John Jefferson Davis's book THE VICTORY OF CHRIST'S KINGDOM , to a younger Christian at my church ,he said " i do not even think about it,as there is too much to do here now and besides there are too many making wild suggestions within other views" . Well stated
September 29, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwayne

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