A New Horton Book! No, Not That One . . . Another One!

Except for a few Presbyterians and Roman Catholics, most people's eyes glaze over when you even mention ecclesiology. The fourth volume in Michael Horton's "Covenant" series ("People and Place") is soon to be released. Although this volume deals with ecclesiology, it is not what you think . . .
I've read the draft, and this is yet another profound and important book. In an eye-opening way, Mike discusses the doctrine of our Lord's ascension, especially in its relation to word and sacrament. Mike also interacts in some detail with recent Roman and Orthodox ecclesiologies.
This one is must reading. It should be released any time. Get yours now! Click here: People and Place: A Covenant Ecclesiology: Michael S. Horton: Books
Reader Comments (3)
Christians don't want to read a book about the church!
We have our devotions each day
We go to church whenever something else is not scheduled
We vote Republican,
Teach our kids to sing the National Anthem
Teach our kids to not the US Flag touch the ground
Tell our kids to stay away from the bad kids
Watch Christian TV
Listen to Christian Radio
Who needs ecclesiology?
We listen to James Dobson; he tells us to spend our time calling our Senators, and US Representatives, but when it comes to church denominations splitting theological hairs, that is not important, and it just does not matter. After all, when we all get to heaven folks, we are sure gonna be surprised who all is there....
This November election is going to be so important for the church, we need to vote in John McCain into the White House.
What we need is a Christian Dating service
Christian Memorabilia Shops
[and we insist they be open on Sundays so we can show!]