Who Said That?

“Ruth turns to Naomi and says `I shall not leave thee.' She makes her statement to this woman…that sounds somewhat, somewhere in between poetry, intimacy, and borders on lesbianism. People don’t even know how to explain what Ruth said to Naomi. It makes them uncomfortable. They’re afraid to talk about it. They don’t want to teach on it. Same thing with David and Jonathan…where there were same-sex relationships getting too close, people don’t even know what to say.”
You know how this works! Please leave your guess in the comments section below. No cheating or google searches.

Looks like T. D. Jakes continues to "reposition" himself. This is quotation from Jakes during an undated sermon which can be found on YouTube.
Can't people of the same sex be intimate friends without being homosexuals? For Pete's sake . . .
Reader Comments (23)
My own denomination, the most liberal denomination in Canada, shamelessly peddles this junk regularly. People gobble it up as though it were precious. It definitely has a market. But isn't it Jude who warns against false teachers who pervert the content of the gospel to conform to their own sexual desires? (verse 24). The warnings should be enough to straighten the wayward out.