A Field Trip to Saddleback

A member of the Oceanside URC (and a student at Westminster Seminary California) made a recent field trip to Warren's Saddleback and describes what he saw (h.t. Scott Clark). About what I would have expected. Click here: Saturday Night - Live at Saddleback « Geneva Redux
Yes, Zrim, there is a Newman (that's Seinfeld lingo for those of you who don't know). Click here: FOXNews.com - Michigan Postal Worker Hoarded Thousands of Pieces of Mail Instead of Delivering Them - Local News
I guess one bad law deserves another. Click here: CANOE -- CNEWS - Canada: Polygamists' defense cites gay marriage
Should Christians apologize for beating the stuffing out of their opponent? This game later cost the coach his job. Click here: Rivals High - School seeks to forfeit 100-0 win
Reader Comments (26)
The second post took 2 sentences. Seriously, your posts have challenged my thinking.
The Reformed sources are, Louis Berkhof, "Systematic Theology." Also, the commentary by Zacharias Ursinus, (the author of the Heidelberg Catechism). Another source would be the Belgic Confession, article 29, on the "Marks of the True church."
Are ya gonna let a Lutheran explain Reformed Theology to ya?
Calvin's Institutes Book IV chapter 1 and 12
Calvin loved the Church and had the highest regard for the Church.
That's too funny. Many fight it, but I like to think a true mark of a Presbyterian is to be painfully predictable...and alliterative.
And "The men’s ministry (The Herd)" -- seriously?