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Rick Warren to the Rescue

Someone sent me the latest press release from Rick Warren's purpose-driven empire.  Warren's sure not one to let the current economic downturn be anything but a marketing opportunity for his "purpose-driven" materials.

The press release reads in part "with the collapse of our economy, the tools, resources and experiences we’ve bundled into the Purpose Driven Connection are arriving at the exact moment when Americans need them most."

It goes on to say, “The hollow hope of materialism has left us disappointed, empty and worried, and the economic collapse has created a hunger for a deeper spiritual connection to God and to each other."  Of course, Warren would never do anything to contribute to the hollow hope of materialism like recommend that we all buy his stuff to see us through the difficult times.

“We certainly didn’t anticipate our national crisis when we began designing these tools, but we can now see how the Purpose Driven Connection is going to provide urgent and essential spiritual support and encouragement for millions of people in the difficult days ahead. . . . God’s timing is always perfect.”

Pretty shameless.


Well, if Rick Warren can hawk his wares, so can I.

Here's my very own Riddleblog blogosphere release.


Anaheim, CA, January 27, 2009

"In these days of economic uncertainty, a proper view of the end-times is a must.  To help you navigate these perilous times the Riddleblog reminds you of the two books written by its proprietor.  If these uncertain times have you worrying about your job, retirement savings, and 401K, you need to buy both my books (multiple copies to give to all your friends and family) which will help you know what is going on, and will also ensure that I don't have to worry about these things.  That will leave me free to warn people about the proper view of end times (Reformed amillennialism, of course).  

What is God's purpose in all of this?  Is this economic distress setting the stage for the rise of the Antichrist?  What is the secret purpose behind the election of Obama?  Was John McCain's purpose in rushing through the economic stimulus package to prepare the way for the real Man of Sin?  Some dispensationalists might even think the author fills the bill.

Whatever end times view you hold, Kim Riddlebarger's Man of Sin is must reading.  Collect all three editions, each one tailor-made to fit your own end-times predictions!

And don't forget A Case for Amillennialism, which is your sure guide to living above the fear and uncertainty of the end times.  If you want to know God's purpose for the last days and how this impacts you, you need to read this book!  In fact, might we suggest buying a case of A Case for Amillennialism (that is, a case of 30 of them).  That will certainly help me prevent any future personal economic crisis. 

Isn't that the true Purpose behind these "press releases" in the first place?

Reader Comments (22)

Theres something you dont often see - reference to a Black Oak Arkanas song.
January 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJames Paul

That was pretty good- I mean the stuff about the stimulus plan. The conjecture about how some of the money is being spent and how much good it will do borders on absurd. Much of it is payback for political favors and votes. It is that kind of stuff which disgusts many who are watching the process. Oh well, what is to be expected in a fallen world. Hopefully, some of the more thought out stuff will have some positive effect. Cost/Benefit analysis sometimes gets bypassed in the Congress and Senate. East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet. The same came be said for many politic decisions and common sense.
January 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Yeazel

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