Who Said That?

"He who does not accept the doctrine of the Church of Rome and the pontiff of Rome as an infallible rule of faith, from which the Holy Scriptures, too, draw their stregnth and authority, is a heretic"
Have fun with this one! Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating! Answer to follow in one week.
Update on Sunday, October 11, 2009 at 09:30PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This is the "Third Foundation" from Sylvester Mazzolini Prierias' Dialogue Concerning the Power of the Pope (1518) which was his response to Luther's Ninety-Five Theses. Prierias' views on papal authority anticipate the First and Second Vatican Councils.
Reader Comments (19)
Shocking statement.
can't remember which one said it...
Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or
perhaps last month... Sonia Sotomayor ?
Perhaps Mel Gibson? ;-)
Since I'm not, I'll guess either Vatican II or Benedict XVI.
Good thing the roman catholic church has God's back.