I Knew There Was Something Really Weird About Hitler

Remember that skull the Russians kept telling us was Hitler's? If it was, "he" was really a "she." I had an aunt with a mustache, but pity the poor woman with a Hilter mustache! No wonder he (she?) hid in a bunker and surrounded himself with Nazi nerds. "Hitler skull"
Talk about a loaded question! Didn't take but a second to answer it. Benny Hinn--a Charlatan?
If this is true, this is really remarkable and yet another testimony to K. A. Kitchen's thesis about the historical reliability of the Old Testament--the Jews were where they are supposed to be when they were supposed to be there. Joseph era coins found in Egypt
Are you looking for a hobby? Good at woodworking? Like exotic animals? We need one of these in America! Noah's Ark replica in the Netherlands
Reader Comments (6)
The media are not supposed to paint the subjects of their coverage the way they want themselves to be painted. What Hinn wants is free advertisment, and surely he has enough money to hire syncophants to write ad copy for him.
His statement is funny when he said pastors should wear sandals are ride a bike. Pastor Kim does drive a nice mustang and have a nice home….hmmm I wonder how he can afford it.
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I'm not surprised that Benny Hinn would cooperate. He seems to like to take the path of least resistance. When confronted, he backs down until the heat's off, then goes back to what he's always done. That's the way he reacted by in the 90's when Christiantiy in Crisis came out. He made it sound like he'd be willing to change his views and ways when confronted by Hanegraaff, then went on as if it never happened. Of course, none of that stopped him from making outrageous claims about the intentions of "heresy hunters."