Who Said That?

"Christians don't steal or lie, they don't get divorced or have abortions. If the Ten Commandments were followed by everyone we would be able to fire half the police force and in six months the prisons would be all half empty."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow next week.
Update on Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 05:59PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This is a quote from a 2007 interview with John Hagee. Hagee's pelagianism is readily apparent when he mistakenly assumes that since God commands something, after the fall we still have the ability to obey it. We also see Hagee's perfectionism in his notion that Christians no longer sin. Christian's should not do these things, but they do.
Reader Comments (37)
What planet's he from, in view of the stats for minimally self-identified American Christians?
Gotta be modern. (Police forces are a relatively modern invention.)
I dunno, Jerry Falwell.
My .02
Meh, Hagee never made any sense to me even 25 years ago when I was a dispy.
Actually a good way to have your prisons half empty is to have Arizona's Sheriff Joe Arpaio in charge of them.
The prisoners here live in tents with no AC or heat, and Sheriff Joe likes to brag that he feeds 'em for $1.06 a day (with the main entree being a blue baloney sandwich). He claims that he tries to make the prisons so horrible here that the prisoners will never want to come back.
That will empty out the prisons real quick. He actually has a neon sign at the prison which proclaims "Rooms Available."
Sheriff Joe is extremely popular in Arizona with the masses, except with the liberal print Journo rags.
The prisoners here wear pink underwear, they have no T.V. sets in the tents, they are not allowed to have weights or cigarettes and if they have a savings account when they enter, he charges them for room, board and medical care. It is no vacation!
That doesn't really sound like something Rushdoony would say. The reference to the Ten Commandments is kind of a Pentecostal giveaway. That's probably something I would have said 20 years ago.
I thought the lesson from the NT was that popularity with the masses and pragmatism were dubious things? But something tells me Sheriff Joe and Pastor Hagee are fond of one another.
My response had two parts; John Hagee making the statement. And then getting into Sheriff Joe keeping law and order and the prisons being half empty.
I don't ever recall Sheriff Joe mentioning the 10 commandments or God as a standard for running the prison system. Sorry, I don't see a correlation between John Hagee and Sheriff Joe at all. (The first person having a weak view of sin, and the second person carrying out his duty in punishing the lawbreakers.) I was just proposing Sheriff Joe as a deterrent to crime and his prison system as a good place to stay away from.
I wouldn't read much more into it than that, as nothing more was intended in my statements. My post was not intended to be theological in any way.
The correlation seems to be popularity and pragmatism, both of which make for bad religion and not much better law-enforcement. Hagee seems to think all sinners need is the right rules, Joe seems to think all criminals need is the right humiliation. And the masses lap that crap up.
I'll take my mulligan and chnage my vote to Pat Roberson