Who Said That?

"Every man of God that I know today has a nice house . . . . And they drive cars, and they have BlackBerrys or iPhones or whatever. It's what we need today to simply exist. ... Absolutely I need a private plane. For the ministry it's a necessity, not a luxury. ... It's a necessity for me to have my own private plane to fly so I can go and do what God called me to do around the world. If I should fly commercial I would wear out. With my schedule? It would be madness."
Who said that? Leave your guess in the comments section below. No googles searches or cheating. Anaswer to follow in one week.
Update on Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 03:25PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This is from a recent interview with Hinn by ABC News' Dan Harris, October 19, 2009.
Reader Comments (42)
Where is the theology of the cross? They go for the un-Biblical theology of glory.