Well, That Settles It, I'm Changing My Sermon . . .

FCC commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein is asking churches to help inform their congregations about the up coming switch in TV broadcasts from analog to digital. Not only did these knuckleheads switch the date of the transition after all those stupid public service ads--originally scheduled for Feb. 17 to June 12--they did so because Congress wanted more money in the "spendulous bill" for additional converter boxes. Click here: L.A. ministers asked to spread the word about digital TV - Los Angeles Times
Now, how am I going to fit--"did you know that your TV won't be able to pick up digital programming if use don't have cable or get a converter box?"--into a sermon on 1 John 4:1-6?
Interesting how government bureaucrats see the church as some sort of community center. I wonder how the FCC commissioner ever got that idea?
Reader Comments (11)
See: http://news.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09%2F01%2F14%2F205237&from=rss
If all of this is true, and I can't see any reason why it would not be, the apple in Chicago doesn't fall too far from the tree in DC. Call it what you want, but a certain Illinois governor was recently carried out of town on a rail for very similar P-T-P tactics. I'm glad that all of this falls into the KoL....
I read that first as "<i>annointed</i> to his transition team" -- ah dislexica!
Though I thought reg had a funny idea on how to fit it in.