Who Said That?

"I am convinced: people with pure hearts live better lives! Actually, one of the things I look for in a staff member is innocence. I love it when a person is not full of malice or unforgiveness or is not wrestling with secret sin. You can just tell by their countenance-they are wonderful people to be around."
Please leave your guess in the comments section below. Please no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow in one week.
Update on Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 12:24PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This comes from Ted Haggard in September 2002. It can be found in Simple Prayers for a Powerful Life, (Regal Books) p. 109.
Reader Comments (26)
Just looking at who the most ironic person in Unitedstate-ian protestantism right now would be. As to how he finds out about secret sins, maybe that's a "word 'o knowledge" charismatical type special revelation thing. Church board meetings must be fun.
I wonder how his health is now?
Ted Haggard
Joel Osteen was the first to pass through my head. I suppose it could have been Ted Haggard too. Obviously, it was not anyone who had a good understanding of the Doctrine of Sin.