The Death Star Is Nearly Complete

Here's a great photo essay on the New Yankee Stadium which opens in April. This place is magnificent. Can't wait to go there. Since the Yankees are known as the "evil empire," fans have taken to calling the new stadium "the death star." Too bad one of the first venues in the new stadium is a Joel Osteen rally. Click here: New Yankee Stadium Construction Photo Update- 2/2/09 | The Voice of Yankees Universe
This won't come as much of a surprise, but here's an interesting essay on how big government stifles religion and charity. This stems from the shift which takes place when government assumes roles previously played by churches and charities. Click here: Public Discourse, More Government, Less God: What the Obama Revolution Means for Religion in America, by W. Bradfo
The Sacred Sandwich ran a great piece on what would happen if Paul's letter to the Galatians had been published by Christianity Today. I loved the complaint from Mrs. Bobbitt. Click here: If Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians was Published in Christianity Today | The Sacred Sandwich
Reader Comments (16)
I hereby protest your affirmation of the Bobbitt humor. Don’t you know there is a culture out there that would make Babylon blush, which utterly requires an over-realized modesty from us?
…Pbbbffftt, that was pretty funny.
That's pretty good- while we are trying to separate the two-kingdoms they are meshing them together with new age spirituality and big government. I just saw Keifer Sutherland make a plug for doing our part to eliminate carbon emissions for global warming purposes after this weeks 24 episode. What a turnoff- this was after Jack Bauer got done torturing the mole in the Senate. Talk about ethical dilemma's. Life is getting wackier and weirder by the minute.
As you see more and more newspapers going out of business, it will level the playing field, to the point that more people will look for their news sources on the internet. (And, there are some darn good sources out there.)
Most of the newspapers and the television media are just force feeding the masses absolute false garbage. Global warming is just one very, very, small example, which is costing the tax payers billions of dollars.
Pastor Kim - that was an excellent article on the impact of Obamas' policies on our country!
It is no longer, "ask not what you can do for your country, but, what your country can do for you."
I don't think the article was addressing Obama's policies directly, but rather showing the collateral effect of a welfare state on religious attendance by individuals who look to religious institutions for economic and social support. As the article stated:
"How do we account for the inverse relationship between government size and religious vitality? As Gill and Lundsgaarde point out, some individuals have strong spiritual needs that can only be met by religion. This portion of the population remains faithful, come what may. But other individuals only turn to churches, synagogues, temples, and mosques when their needs for social or material security are not being met by the market or state."
Given this, I do not think the article says anything about an adverse impact of Obama type policies on true believers. You may be able to crisicize Obama on a number of fronts, but I am not sure this artilce is suggesting that Obama's policies are eroding the Kingdom of God.
Thank for the pictures Pastor KIm. I love the coment made by Mrs. Bobbitt.
Who were all of these people and what did the expect to see, hear, receive? Like lemmings to the sea, they come in droves when hard and uncertain times are upon us - and just as quickly disappear like the evening clouds. I 'spose human behavior has more or less always been fickle like that, down through the years. But it seems like it has become more pronounced in recent decades. Even economists are struggling to understand the herd mentality that caused the turnaround so quickly last Fall when the markets began to slide - they expected it, even forecasted it, but none of them expected it to happen so fast.
What will happen to the original?
Go Red Sox!
-The house that DARTH built? Sweet.
And, you gotta, respect the awesome, rich Yankee tradition which it embelishes!