Who Said That?

"I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag, and to the Savior, for whose kingdom it stands. One Savior, crucified, risen and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe."
You know how this works. Leave your guess in the comments section below. No google searches or cheating. Answer to follow next week.
Update on Saturday, June 13, 2009 at 05:55PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This is from the pledge of allegiance to the "Christian flag," wherein someone pledges to confuse the two kingdoms. It was conceived by Charles Oveton in 1897, and formally promoted in 1907.
Reader Comments (31)
Firstly, the Bible never gives us a Christian flag. The only symbols of Christ we are given are the sacraments, and we do not pledge allegiance to those, so certainly we should not do so to a flag.
Secondly, it conflates Christian discipleship with American patriotism, which is never a good idea.
Thirdly, that conflation immediately divides the church. Americans have your ways of doing things, and we respect them, but flag codes and pledges of allegiance are not "British". To come up with a Christian flag and write a pledge of allegiance immediately alienates those of us for whom those things are uncommon.
They say that, along with the also problematic pledge of allegiance to the American flag (a rote patriotic ritual of dubious origin, IMHO), most every Sunday associated with a patriotic holiday, at our church. I stand mute. Sorry, can't handle it.
I've chatted about it with various pastors here over the years. The only one who shared my opinion of it was a military man himself, an AF chaplain.
Tim Raymond
Was it an AWANA Commander???
To those who thought it could of been a Southern Baptist.... As a Southern Baptist, I agree. :)