Who Said That?
Saturday, October 23, 2010 at 08:09AM
"Adolf Hitler was a distant descendant of Esau."
Please leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no cheating or google searches. Answer to follow next week.
This is from page 185 of John Hagee's 2007 book Jerusalem Countdown.
Reader Comments (15)
1) patently false in the majority of cases
2) a very subtle insult that went woosh over people's heads - I could tell that he meant it as a dig, but I didn't see why until a year or two later.
Given there's a Hitler reference as well, I'm fairly sure it is someone who is going to be some aggressively pro-Jew, who's whole theology seems to be related to what Israel is doing now and who'd probably call even the Apostle Paul anti-Semitic or holding replacement Theology or something.
Been a long time since I read the book, correct me if i'm wrong.
Suspect this person is a close theological relative of German's Hitler embracing Church.
I'm going to guess my favorite crank, Chuck Missler.