Who Said That?

"Without directing their people to do good works and to fund good works through their tithes, these Two-Kingdoms preachers are no better than thieves—an organized scheme of extortion to line their pockets and build bigger buildings while preaching sermons about why our funds should go to pay preachers and build buildings. This is organized crime—a Pulpit Mafia, Gangsters for Jesus."
Who said that? Please leave your guess in the comments section below. No google searches or cheating.
Update on Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 09:23AM by
Kim Riddlebarger

This rant is from Joel McDurmon, research editor for American Vision. This is just one outrageous complaint from his essay, "Two Kingdoms Tyranny." Two Kingdoms Tyranny
Reader Comments (11)
A very ungodly conversation, from someone who in my opinion is a pharisee.
"... I'm willing to listen to what others say on an issue, especially on eschatology since it's been a garbled mess for centuries. It's conceivable that so-called eschatological heretics are seeing something I'm not seeing. They're willing to take the risk. Many are not." --
Who are the THEY DeMar is talking about who are "willing to take risks"??? Hyperpreterists. (people who believe Jesus came back, the resurrection of the believers happened and the Judgment happened - all in AD70)
So, first DeMar misleads people by claiming Christian eschatology has been "a garbled mess for centuries", although whether you look at pre-RC, RC, Greek/Easter Orth, Syrian, Protest/Reformed, Anabaptist, Modern Evangel, Calvinistic, or Arminianistic -- ALL AGREE on the 4 things that hyperpreterism denies.
DeMar has a history of speaking at hyperpreterist conferences and signing up on their websites to discuss "preterism" which he seems to not distinguish from hyperpreterism.
McDurmon will be "debating" hyperpret Don Preston on July 21, 2011. I say "debating" because I think it is going to be difficult for McDurmon of AV to make a case while his mentor, DeMar isa known compromiser with hyperpreterism. We'll see.
Your description and portrayal of this brief excerpt from Joel McDurmon is simply academically dishonest. It is taken completely out of context and is implied to mean something that it does not.
Thankfully you actually included the link to his original post, but readers may also find the following to be edifying:
As a Christian, you should recant your portrayal of this comment and formally apologize to Joel...and to your readers for misrepresenting a Christian brother, for that matter.
Soli Deo Gloria!