I Thought I Had Heard Everything . . . I Guess Not

Just when you think you've heard it all. This from the Layman Online:
"Once honored for voicing substantive theology in the Reformed tradition, Union Theological Seminary’s 2010 Sprunt Lectures will feature a feminist speaker who favors replacing the cross with a lactating breast. The event will occur May 3-5 on the seminary’s Richmond, Va., campus. Union is one of 11 seminaries that are officially related to the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Sprunt Lecturer Margaret R. Miles is emerita professor of Historical Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkley, Calif. Employing a title reminiscent of the denominationally sponsored Re-Imagining God Conference in 1993, Miles’ topic is “Revisioning Historical Theology.”
“Although theologians may have claimed that crucifixion scenes exhibited the extremity of God’s love for humans, it was scenes of the child sucking at the breast that spoke to people on the basis of their earliest experience,” she said. This symbol was replaced by the cross, argued Miles, when patriarchal Western Europeans “secularized the breast. . . . Miles suggested that the cross is inappropriate as a symbol of God’s love because `it presents a violent act as salvific.'”
This is one of those cases where the less I say, the better. It speaks for itself.
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Reader Comments (20)
This ought not surprise us.
Dr. Peter Jones explains in his book "The God of Sex" the "concept of spirituality and sexuality as defined in pagan terms, why and how pagan approaches to human sexuality produce a `culture of death', it defines biblically based spirituality and sexuality and why and how the Christian approach to human sexuality produces a `culture of life', and why the issues of human sexuality and human spirituality are so critically important for the Christian community to understand within the context of biblical teachings, instructions, and commandments."
We have opportunities here to engage the culture with the Truth.
This particular case is an apologetic issue.
I think Dr. Jone's view may perhaps equip us to effectively engage the gay and feminist movements, as well as equip our children to withstand the onslaught of the androdgenous trend in culture.
What else is there to say?
Nowadays, this would disenfranchise all those who were bottle fed.
So this is what the feminization of Western society has brought us-- salvation from nothing. God can't be vengeful and absolutely just in feminized soteriology, so we are saved from hurt feelings and sadness rather than from wrath.
God's judgement is active. He has given this woman up to do these ridiculous things because she has rejected the Truth about God and suppressed it. The real question one gets from this is can she find her back to truth, or better yet, has she ever embraced truth in the first place, or has she always rejected the truth about God, which led her off the rails and to become stark raving mad, as she is now.