"Who Said That?"
Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 05:37PM
"God has been preparing me for 2010 and has given me a very special direction."
You know the drill. Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow next week.
This is the first line from a page on Benny Hinn's ministry website predicting a "mighty annointing" in 2010. To bad that "anointing" fell on Suzanne Hinn's divorce attorney. Not quite what Benny claims the Spirit was leading him to do in 2010. Click here
Reader Comments (18)
Todd Bentley or one of his ilk.
Let me say, I can agree with the statement if put in this context - God has been preparing all of us for 2010, as well as for every other day and year, and has given all of us a very special direction and it's all written in the Bible for all of us to read at any time.
Benny Hinn.
It's Hinn for sure. Trust me.