Who Said That?

"Neither Protestant nor Catholic theologians as a whole have ever taken seriously the simple, straightforward teaching of Jesus. For when Jesus Christ was asked by a young man the way to eternal life, He replied, `Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments' (Matthew 19:17)."
Please leave your guess in the comments section below. No google searches or cheating! Answer to follow in one week.

This is a quote from Roderick C. Meredith, one of the hosts of the Living Church of God's Tomorrow's World. Meredith was one of five original "evangelists" ordained by Herbert W. Armstrong. It is found in a on-line essay, "Has Protestantism Failed?" (March-April 2010), Volume 12, Issue 2. Here's the link, Click here
Reader Comments (21)
Gonna guess, Brian McLaren.
The missing 'Orthodox' suggests that this person could be a wannabe Eastern Orthodox liberal/emergent person. That could be lots of people. I'll stick with McLaren.
Made a few mistakes here- should be feel instead of fell and does not get dislodged very easily instead of does get dislodged very easily.