Speaking of Summer Reading

In light my of previous post regarding some suggested reading for Summer (Click here), several people have asked me about which Reformed "classics" they should read.
Here's a brief list of books which I recommend that every Reformed Christian read at least once. I'm sure you have your favorites, but these are the ones I think most helpful.
J. Gresham Machen's Christianity and Liberalism (Eerdmans) Click here: This is a powerful apologetic for the truth of the gospel and clearly spells out the difference between true evangelical Christianity (as expressed in the Reformation creeds) and the "evangelicalism" of both Protestant liberalism (Machen's foe) and modern American evangelicalism (which is so much like the Protestant liberalism of Machen's day the ironies cannot be missed).
B. B. Warfield's Inspiration and Authority of the Bible (P & R) Click here: This is not an easy read, but remains an important read. It presupposes some knowledge of Greek and Hebrew, but you can slog through it without knowing either. This book is frequently the object of scorn, but still remains a standard defense of inerrancy and to my mind, Warfield's critics have never refuted his arguments.
Calvin's Institutes (the Battles edition, Westminster/Knox) Click here: If you call yourself "Reformed" and haven't read the Institutes, shame on you. Now is the time!
John Murray's Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Eerdmans) Click here: Given the debate within evangelical circles about justification and the nature of Christ's sacrificial work on the cross, this is must reading. Murray is not very helpful on covenant, but his quirky view of the covenant of works is not a factor here.
Geerhardus Vos' Biblical Theology (Banner) Click here: This too is not an easy read, although it is well-worth the labor. Vos is the father of Reformed biblical theology and will give you a sense of the big-picture unity of redemptive history. A great corrective for those of you who were raised as dispensationalists! I've also posted an outline of this book on the blog (Click here)
John Owen's Indwelling Sin (a modern version published with two other works--Crossway) Click here: For those of you raised in American evangelicalism or Roman Catholicism, Owen's presentation of gospel-driven sanctification will be a real blessing to you. Highly recommended. Good on Crossway for re-doing this in an attractive format.
This should get you started!
Reader Comments (7)
I'm currently lecturing through John Owen's, Of the Mortification of Sin, for our Wednesday Study in Theology. The audio can be found on SermonAudio: http://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?sourceonly=true&currSection=sermonssource&keyword=oceansideurc&subsetcat=series&subsetitem=John+Owen+on+Mortification
Owen is the only thing I don't actually have on my shelves, but most of this isn't fresh in my mind.
These would be a great listen for anybody that finishes <i>Christianity & Liberalism</i> (not to imply that this is difficult; C&L Is a easy & mind-blowing read!) or, probably also your Warfield reccomendation, because the second lecture is all about Machen's view of inerrancy and its kinship to Old Princeton and its contention against liberalism.
Summer reading?
You all must be amazingly speedy readers or live in a part of the world where Summer is 8 months long!
Blessings to all.