You Gotta Love the Bureaucrats

Here's part of the flow chart for our new ObamaCare.
I can just see it now.
- Bureaucrat A tries to figure out from Bureaucrat B if I am eligible for care.
- Bureaucrat B contacts Bureaucrat C for approval.
- Bureaucrat C must check with Bureaucrats D-F, but Bureaucrat E is on vacation.
- Bureaucrat B contacts the supervisor (Bureaucrat G) and asks what to do.
- Bureaucrat G tells Bureaucrat C to wait for E to return.
- Meanwhile, I contact A, to learn the outcome.
- A directs me to customer service Bureaucrat H.
- H tells me to contact appeals Bureaucrat I to expedite the matter.
- Bureaucrat I tells me to go back to B.
- B tries again to contact C, but now C is out on pet bereavement leave.
- Meanwhile E has returned and contacts C, who has lost the paperwork.
- C contacts B (but B is now on vacation)
- Upon return, B contacts A.
- A calls me to inform me that I must contact appeals panel (bureaucrats J-M)
- C finds the paperwork, but sees the appeal is underway and files it away . . . somewhere.
I could go on and on. You get the point.
I guess my baldness treatments will have to wait.
Reader Comments (13)
I find it even more interesting that the model for socialized health care, the UK, is now implementing changes to their "perfect" system. Go figure.
"With about 70 percent of the vote counted, nearly three-quarters of voters threw their support behind a ballot measure that probibits the government from requiring people to have health insurance or from penalizing them for paying for their own health care."
"Legislatures in Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana and Virginia have passed similar statutes, and voters in Arizona and Oklahoma will vote on such measures as state constitutional amemdments in November."
Of course, this is nothing new for Obama-he jams a healthcare program against the will of the people, and also he is against enforing the federal immigration laws.
Another four years of Obama, Pelosi, and the likes of Barbara Boxer, and maybe we'll see states like Arizona and Texas secede from the union.
Same thing happend by an activist judge in striking down major portions of the Ariziona immigration law (which mirrors the federal immigration law). Our case will be heard next by the liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, (which will also hear the California same sex marriage appeal).
Ironically, the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is based in San Francisco, the home of activist judges.
.....so a patient walks into a medical clinic in 2014 and.........
I think that both the California ban on same sex marriage and the Arizona immigration law will lose at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, but will have excellent chances to win at the U.S. Supreme Court level.
However, to see another liberal activist getting confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court is troubling.