Does Glenn Beck Make You Nervous?

The White Horse Inn blog has posted a number of helpful resources on the two kingdoms and why we must keep them distinct. Beck's Two Kingdom Confusion
If we don't, we'll end up with a Mormon leading Jews, Muslims and Evangelicals together in prayer . . . Wait, that just happened!
If we understand the two kingdoms, we'll understand why it would be perfectly OK for these diverse groups to work together on political causes, if only they kept their civil religion out of it!
Somebody ought to write a book on this!
Reader Comments (29)
See, this is how you are supposed to mock. It's way better than calling names, though I won't call it Christian mocking since there still is no redemptive version of any creational task. It's just a Christian mocking another one with a little more skill.
Hope that will help you understand how to do all things to God's glory and think better as a Christian.
Oh... and your welcome.
Now you may say that an unbeliever can follow his Father's instruction with a desiring heart to please his Father. But little Johnny down the street who is an unbeliever never obeys his Father with the aim of glorifying God. So when my son takes out the trash and does it by faith, knowing he is pleasing Dad and glorifying God, that is a totally different than how little Johnny down the street takes out the trash.
Also Zrim don't think that Godliness is restricted to what we do on Sunday morning and evening. See WSC Ch 16.Sec t 1&2 and especially 6. Our good works are acceptable to God not because they are distinctly different than an unbelievers, but because as we are accepted in Christ, so are our Good works are acceptable as well.
Furthermore the way we raise our kids, love our wives are distinctively different than the unbeliever. Also the way a Christian governs, and what legislation he promotes should be quite different. A Christian magistrate is concerned about protecting the Church, therefore the laws he tries to pass should reflect such a concern.
Seriously, in that clip did Beck really need to insult the people of India in the way he did to make his point? And fwiw, I have lived in the developing world, not India but a country similar to India in many ways and I had EXCELLENT local doctors, who were trained at UCI and in Germany, when I had my two c-sections (btw, I am not a sir). In fact, the care I received overseas was a lot better than what I got in the USA with my HMO.
I am with Zrim on your exchanges. I don't understand or agree with your perspective. I think you are over simplifying and being cavalier about his well thought out views.
You write "A Christian magistrate is concerned about protecting the Church, therefore the laws he tries to pass should reflect such a concern. " If this is the attitude, the inquisition cannot be far behind as the state does what it thinks will most help the church. The state uses the sword. The church does not . If it does it will die of the sword. Rather it uses different, spiritual, more powerful weapons.
In terms of your child rearing example, I sense a level of (again scary) hyper moralism here. If my son did not grumble when I ask him to take out the garbage I would suspect something was wrong. As long as he does the chore I am unlikely to punish him. (After all as Jesus suggests it is better to say no but do the task than the opposite. I don't want to raise the prodigal's older brother.) As Christ shows us grace we should show grace too.
Yes its all for the glory of God. But I a sinner often fail at keeping this attitude, but praise be to God there is no condemnation fot those who are in Christ Jesus! And I can count on Him to complete his work in me in spite of my constant failures. How grateful I am for his mercy!