Does Glenn Beck Make You Nervous?

The White Horse Inn blog has posted a number of helpful resources on the two kingdoms and why we must keep them distinct. Beck's Two Kingdom Confusion
If we don't, we'll end up with a Mormon leading Jews, Muslims and Evangelicals together in prayer . . . Wait, that just happened!
If we understand the two kingdoms, we'll understand why it would be perfectly OK for these diverse groups to work together on political causes, if only they kept their civil religion out of it!
Somebody ought to write a book on this!
Reader Comments (29)
I don't recall where the bible says, "paranoia, fear mongering, bigotry, six degrees of separation hermeneutics ... these are the fruit of the Spirit."
No thanks.
I blogged on Beck recently when he blended the histories of the council of Nicea, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi gnostic gospels, indicative of how little he actually knows about the topics he covers, which leads him to rely on other people who are sometimes rather superficial in their treatment of the issues on which Beck claims they are experts (case in point: David Barton). He's having the impact of Rush Limbaugh back in the early nineties, but with a fraction of the intellectual and political wit and wisdom. Beck's rally, however, just way outdid the Limbaugh-inspired Dan's Bake Sale.
I was especially thrilled and perplexed to see WTS' Peter Lillback on his show on social justice a few months ago. At least Lillback used the opportunity to clearly communicate the gospel of Christ while Beck gave his book's Amazon rating a tremendous bump. But if Beck loved Lillback's book as much as he said he did, it makes me wonder about the accuracy of the historiography in it.
As a Christian, I don't have any sympathy for the theology of Islam. As a citizen of this present, evil age, I don't believe that we should preemptively aggress against Muslims because of Bin Laden - any more than I believe that the rest of the citizenry ought to preemptively aggress against us because of a Rushdoony or a Bahnsen. If we apply Glen Beck's reasoning about Muslims to Christians: all Christians have a bloodthirsty hatred of sinners and would stone them to death the first chance they got. We're dangerous...
John Chitty, there was another, less than thrilled take on Lillback on Beck. How great can it be when the right hand gives the gospel only to have the left hand takes it away with social gospel?
You guys make no sense at all and have no foundation for your political views. In fact your political views make about as much sense as "Seeker Sensitive Worship".
There is a distinctively Christian way of raising a family, a distinctively Christian way of vocation, there is a distinctively Christian way education, and there is a distinctively way of the civil magistrate. There is one King, who is King of all, and all are called to submit and obey him, in all they do.
I am sorry that you are so offended by my opinion of Beck and his views but I am not bearing false witness (google Beck bigot and I am hardly the first person to have this thought or opinion of Beck), and you should apologize.
When I finish my manuscript (Lord willing), I would be only too happy to send you a copy.
I always love an anonymous drive-by critic who demolishes a straw man and then dances in triumph.
Sorry, but you don't have a clue . . .
Don't worry about sending me a a copy of your manuscript, I will be more than happy to purchase it, given it will be available to the public. I have several titles on my bookshelf which I have read, enjoyed and profited written by you or which you have contributed.
I apologize for being a drive by critic. Please forgive me. Just trying to awaken the blog from its dogmatic slumber. (Sorry for the Kant quote, I kant help it. he he :)
I just don't understand the 2 Kingdoms view, perhaps it is something in my DNA. But it can't be my DNA because that would go against nature and ruin a Natural Law argument. Sorry there I go again.
Maybe you could help me find some clues?
Yes there is a distinctively Christian way of brushing your teeth. But I'm sure you already know this. There is a distinctively Christian way of doing anything and everything. Christians know the preconditiionsfor intelligibility and why brushing will clean your teeth and how this simple everyday act reveals the God of the universe and his Providential guidance. Brushing teeth confirms the uniformity of nature, man made in God's image, and God's revealing of himself to His creature.
All this is very elementary to the Christian, in fact so elementary we almost take it for granted when we do these so called mundane things.
But for the unbeliever, these truths are suppressed so deeply, they are in rebellion of them.