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Live White Horse Inn Taping @ the Desiring God Conference

The White Horse Inn's usual cast of characters will be in Minneapolis on Friday October 1, for a live taping before the Desiring God Conference gets underway.  Our topic for the session will be "Textual Narcissism" (or, why every verse in the Bible has to be about "me").

We'll be taping between 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the conference exhibit hall.

If you are going to the conference and plan on getting there a bit early, come by and say "hello" and then join the audience for the live-taping.

For more information, Live Taping Information

Reader Comments (15)

Will Mike & Co. NOW rebuke Warren for what Horton has called the latter's distortion of the gospel and his confusion of law & gospel?

In regard to RW's Arminianism ("especially with its emphasis on the new birth as the result of human decision and cooperation with grace"), doesn't Warren warrant loving public rebuke?

Or maybe it's just another photo op...

hughmc5 AT
September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHugh McCann
We shall see, Hugh.
September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD. Philip Veitch
Fear is on everyside is my prediction.

At least, Bishop Piper has offered a sop and koolaide stand for Mike & Co., a place at the public table.

But the question stands and the answers to be seen, will there be a theological application, a "prophetic word," to (ana-Baptistic) Bishop Piper and Archbishop Rick Warren? Not in vague generalities, but specific comments?

Not holding our breath here.

It's about numbers, acceptance, and a "place at the table."
September 28, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD. Philip Veitch
How many verses of Scripture will Rick Warren twist and distort and take out of context at the conference? Will he repent of all the false teaching found in his deceptive Purpose Driven® Life book and all the rest of his false teachings to date or will it just be a wave of the hand and business as usual? One dare not criticize what God is blessing, eh?
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas
Guys, be patient with me here, I understand all the problems with Warren, but I would have thought Piper passes muster, especially in light of his work refuting N.T. Wright on the New Perspective. Granted the cult of personality is more than a bit off-putting, but is your complaint about Piper that he invited Warren at all? Or...? If it's just the Baptist thing then I guess we'd have to read Ken Jones off the list as well. Just curious here.
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpb
"....but is your complaint about Piper that he invited Warren at all"

My basic complaint is with Rick Warren and all his Scripture twisting and false teachings that are very cleverly and craftily disguised. If he was really Reformed in private he would be clearly reformed in public, he isn't. His head is full of Reformed theological knowledge but not his heart and practice. John Piper giving him a platform from which to speak at the Desiring God Conference troubles me and I have lost confidence in his discernment in that regard and worry for those who may be deceived at the conference by all this. Unless John Piper openly reproves and rebukes Rick Warren for all his falsehoods which I believe is unlikely to happen I will find it hard to grasp John Piper's teachings from now on. That saddens me. I believe Rick Warren has successfully pulled the wool over Piper's eyes as he has done with multitudes of others, if it were possible even to deceive the very elect. He did a very flattering, convincing job on Piper at the funeral they both attended and spent several hours chatting together. Warren is very gifted at disarming people by his warm, loving, friendly, smiling, charming manner. Makes him and his teachings all the more dangerous because he comes across as such a genuine and honest man people don't expect falsehood to come from him. I cannot stop John Piper from inviting whomever he asks to the Conferences they organize, at least thankfully I don't have to go, that's called freedom of choice.

For excellent critiques of Rick Warren's messages and methods and all things Purpose Driven go to Chris Rosebrough's "Fighting for the Faith" program and go through each program that is available there, including reviews of some of Warren's specific sermons. You will hear with your own ears coming from the horses own mouth perversions and distortions of the Word of God. If that is not concerning and troubling I do not know what is. Us Christians in the pews are just supposed to sit back and not speak up or test and prove all things, dare not attack God's anointed or all hell will break out. Keep the masses under control is the key, eh? Give them a bit of opiate, that will pacify them and keep 'em quiet.

Fighting for the Faith

Here's some more info available:

Purpose Drivenism at

Go to Bob DeWaay's "Critical Issues Commentary" and read up on Rick Warren's teaching's. Listen to pastor DeWaay's 15 part audio broadcast "Redefining Christianity: Understanding the Purpose Driven Movement."
Get yourself a copy of DeWaay's book of the same name which goes more in depth and be prepared for a real shocking eye opener. That someone who professes and names the name of Christ is teaching this Purpose Driven error, teaching it to others and they in turn teach it to others so the error is continually and constantly being perpetrated unabated worldwide. Tragic!

False teaching is flooding the professing church in places but not everywhere thank goodness.
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas
Thanks, Douglas, I never was a fan of Warren so I'm already convinced. I understand your concern more clearly now and appreciate the response.
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpb
Can we get clarity on the time?

5:00-6:30PM, EST, Central or Pacific Time?
September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterD. Philip Veitch
Da White Horse is lame outa the shoot: trinityfoundationDOTorg/horror_show.php?id=51

Apparently Dr. Horton and his Inn have capitulated to crass pragmatism, wanting a place at Piper’s table, a foot in the neo-evangelical door, in order to “share” the Gospel.

But worse, it also looks a lot like rank hypocrisy, since Dr. Horton at one time exposed Warren’s confused false teaching, and later turns around to literally embrace the man...

We await either Dr. Horton’s recantation of his April 1st attacks against the purpose-driven pastor, or his repenting of his crass posturing with Warren and Co. in June. The two stances are mutually exclusive, inconsistent, and unbecoming a teacher and defender of the Gospel.

September 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHugh McCann
D Phil said, "At least, Bishop Piper has offered a sop and koolaide stand for Mike & Co., a place at the public table."

White Horse just wants a table at the (Piper's) place!
September 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHugh McCann
Ya'll did a fantastic job.
October 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark Priestap
Mark, if you were there, more details, please? <given all the fuss>
October 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpb
pb, here's some fuss:

Rick Warren's Bible Study Method on Sale at Desiring God?!?

The state much of the professing church is in today it will be no fuss at all. Truth is being slain in the streets every day and we are supposed to lap it up without a wimper.
October 2, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas
Douglas, read up a couple of posts, I said I was no fan of Warren.
October 2, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpb
Rick Warren's Lecture at Desiring God Conference

"Rick Warren's Lecture at the Desiring God Conference was a circus of Blatant Bible Twisting and Pelagianism. John Piper owes us an apology and must publicly rebuke Warren for his false teaching"

Someone has the guts to speak out boldly for us Christian's in the pews who are like lambs being to the slaughter under the horrible false teachings that we are bombarded with on a daily basis. These false teachers and Scripture twisters even influence the churches we attend. No where is safe for us.
October 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas

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