This Week's White Horse Inn

Give Them Grace
Is sound theology only for people who have their act together? How is the gospel of free justification relevant to people who struggle with utterly broken lives? Michael Horton discusses this issue with Elyse Fitzpatrick, coauthor of Counsel from the Cross: Connecting Broken People to the Love of Christ. Mike also talks with Elyse about the problem of moralistic parenting as she addresses it in her new book, Give Them Grace: Dazzling Kids with the Love of Jesus.
Reader Comments (3)
"The law says "do this" and it is never done. Grace says, "believe this" and everything is already done" !
"Give them Grace" is a far sight better than most of what passes for Christian parenting books these days -- my one wish is that it included more thinking from the view of the place of children in the Covenant. . . Ah, well. . . No one book can be all that I want it to be.