My New Series "Basics of the Reformed Faith"

Here's the scoop on my new series for the Valiant for Truth blog (of Westminster Seminary California):
Here at VFT we're pleased to announce that we'll be beginning a series on the Basics of the Reformed Faith, written by one of our visiting faculty members, Dr. Kim Riddlebarger! This will be a series that will cover the basic subjects of Reformed theology. The series will offer bite-sized explanations of key doctrines to give new believers and people new to the Reformed faith an easily understood tour of key tenets of the faith. Dr. Riddlebarger is the pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California, he is the author of a number of terrific books including, The Case for Amillennialism and The Man of Sin: Uncovering the Truth About the AntiChrist, Dr. Riddlebarger is also co-host of the White Horse Inn Radio Show along with our own, Michael Horton. So, stay tuned for future posts from Dr. Riddlebarger on the Basics of the Reformed Faith!
You can find Valiant for Truth here: Valiant for Truth
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