Who Said That?
"The relationship between God and the soul is original for every man. His religion must be his own. No man or men can tell me what I must think of him. If I am pure of heart, I see him and know him--and creeds are but fictions that have nothing to do with the truth."
Leave your guess in the comments section below. Please, no google searches or Cheating. The whole point is to guess! Answer to follow with the next post.
This is a quote from Charles Eliot Norton (1827-1908). Norton was editor of the influential North American Review--and considered "the most cultivated man in America." The quote is dated August 15, 1865, and comes from Norton's papers. Cited in James Turner's Without God, Without Creed. I realize that this was a tough one, but Norton reflects the American religion--transcendentalism
Reader Comments (15)
My first thought was actually Rob Bell but the language ("If I am pure of heart", "creeds are but fictions") doesn't sound contemporary.
"If I am pure of heart..." You are not pure of heart. No one but God is.