Calling All Riddlebargers, Riddlebergers, Riddlesbergers, and Riddlespurgers

For any of my cousins who might be lurking about, or doing google searches on our family history, I finally posted my latest update to the family history.
The document shown is the list of "Palatines" who arrived in Philadephia on September 29, 1733 on the Pink (the type of ship) Mary. Christian Retelsberger (Riddlespurger) is the first of our clan to arrive from Rotterdam, via Portsmouth.
Here's a link to the updated file of Christian's descendants -- anyone named Riddlebarger, Riddlesberger, Riddleberger, or Riddlespurger.
If you have any additional info, corrections, etc., please let me know. Or just let me know that you are out there!
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