Horton on the Two Kingdoms and the Death of bin Laden
Monday, May 2, 2011 at 01:20PM
Mike addresses bin Laden's death in light of the two kingdoms. Great stuff!
While I stayed up late watching the news coverage and am now sleep deprived (I wish I had been at the Phillies game when the crowd started spontaneously chanting USA! USA! or on the subway car in New York when people began singing the national anthem) Mike was busy writing, addressing the confusion of civil justice and the kingdom of God.
Horton on the death of bin Laden
Reader Comments (10)
Still, the article is good for all of us believers to read. We can't celebrate as some do, because when we think of our state before God apart from Christ, we realize that we are ultimately not better than the savage killers we measure ourselves against to feel good about ourselves.
Not one single person was interviewed and given opportunity to speak, what the media calls V-for Victory was in actuality the Peace sign after Oslo Peace Agreement. The media doesn't interview one person in these videos, these videos are OLD from PEACE celebrations. No one is interviewed, no one is saying anything about 9-11.
I thought much the same thing. It was great that we finally got OBL, but the reaction in the streets left me scratching my head. It didn't quite seem like the American thing to do.
Taking drive-by cheap shots at people like Horton without using your real name is simple cowardice.