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« My Take (and a Rather Unsympthetic One at That) On Harold Camping and His Followers | Main | Calling All Riddlebargers, Riddlebergers, Riddlesbergers, and Riddlespurgers »

Camping's Final Letter? I'm Not So Sure . . .

Given his track record (1994?), we know that Harold Camping is beyond shame.  Here's his final letter, his "farewell."

Or is it? 

What is he going to say on May 22?  What will his post-May 21 fund-raising letters and correspondence be like?

My take is that he'll announce that he miscalculated, and then retrench in some way.  This is what he did before when he got this wrong.

I'll be very surprised if there is the least sign of repentance from Camping.  He has too much invested in being right about this in the face of scoffers to back down now.

So, what do you think he'll say in his next letter?  Leave your proposed post-May 21 "Harold Camping letter" in the comments section below. 

Have fun with this one!

Reader Comments (32)


Rapture watch............

It is finally here. The date for Harold Camping, Pope Chuck and their followers.

With Pope Chuck predicting the rapture in 1982, Camping in 1994, and again Camping on 05-21-11, theologians now use the term "triple rapture" for this key doctrinal event.

Several media outlets have received a letter that has been acquired by Jan Crouch of TBN this morning that Camping wrote just in case the rapture doesn't happen. Here it is:

My fellow Camping rapture followers: If, somehow the rapture doesn't take place (which I believe that it will, since it was revealed to me personally from an Angel), it will be because of the varying weather throughout the U.S.A. Not even the space launch happens in bad weather.

It is forecast to be too sunny in Arizona today, and there is cold weather and flooding in other areas. The Lord and His Angels might have to bring too big of back packs to carry the different types clothing for this very complicated rapture. They might want to reschedule the rapture for August when it is hot everywhere. Boy, it will make it easier for everyone. In any event, we are prepared to go! Your pal Camping.

The Cadle family is going to a birthday party today in Tuscon. We will be bringing our binoculars to look at the mountain tops for signs of Camping, Pope Chuck and Diamondbacks announcer Daron Sutton as they are preparing for the rapture.

This is the latest news from rapture reporter Lloyd at rapture headquarters in Phoenix..................
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd I. Cadle
Check our Justin Ruddy's insightful perspective on this at "The Center for Gospel Culture."
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJim
Jim, thanks for the heads up on the article. Sometimes I wonder if our scorn for Camping's false prediction leads to more scorn for our Lord and his Word.
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBill Weber
Pastor Kim:

Jim has a good link. It has me thinking too.

Please, if possible remove my last blog post.

Thanks, Pastor Kim.
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLloyd I. Cadle
Who cares?
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPogo
Dear Caravan Members and supporters,

Just as the Lord saw Nineveh repent and spared them because of Jonah's message, so has the Lord spared the world today because of our message of the coming judgment.

Well done you good and faithful servants.

Etc etc
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranon
Here's another question: What will all of Harold's followers do when today comes and passes?
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWayne Rohde
Check out my VIDEO: "OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN!" - 'ODE TO HAROLD ON MAY 21ST' ... Click here:
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBob J. Reese
A fool and his false predictions are soon exposed, or better yet brought to light when all is well and the CNN folk would lose out on a great headline.
Of course CNN wouldn't be here anyway.

or hopefully their headline will be to show that once again; that another troubled pastors gone over the edge - be it burning Korans or Chicken Little is wrong.

Guess I still have to pay taxes and my mortgage-rats!
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commentermike in MN
Dear Caravan Members and supporters,

Just as the Lord saw Nineveh repent and spared them because of Jonah's message, so has the Lord spared the world today because of our message of coming judgment.

Well done you good and faithful servants, great is your reward in heaven.

Etc etc
May 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteranon
Pastor Kim is right, I believe. Mr. Camping will come up with an explanation and begin again. It's his nature. I met him once in a meeting and spent about 3 hours discussing his theology and eschatology just after his declaraiton the "church age" is over. He is convinced he alone has it right, Family Radio is the only remnant, and the whole worldwide church has become a tool of Satan, who is the antichrist in his thinking.

As for Chuck Smith, I was glad to hear him say yesterday on the radio that no one knows the day or the hour. Smith also reported that he made a formal offer to Mr. Camping and Family Radio to purchase the whole network of stations, which they would not need since they thought that the rapture was imminent. He said that Mr. Camping never responded.
May 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCVanDyke
The "Parousia" was interrupted and delayed by the HAARP array in Alaska. Using the Space Station and Satellites, NASA was able to cast an electronic shield preventing Jesus from returning.

Latest update : Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura got an email from the Son of Man, informing them that the secret code to his return is on the base of the Mayan Pyramid and will coincide with the Solar alignment on Dec 21, 2012.

Of course, Jesus rescue ship will only be able to seat 144,000 and it is piloted by Bo and Peep.

Meanwhile comments from Camping include an Apropos: "Oops!"
June 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Brainerd Pritt

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