Who Said That?

"So we see that 2007 B.C. when Jacob was born is indeed a very significant day insofar as being a beginning for 4000 years. And 2007 B.C. followed by 4000 years ends on -- yes, that's right -- on the year 1994 A.D. How significantly, every path we follow using the prophetic numbers of the Bible focus on 1994 A.D."
This one should be easy, but lest we forget . . .
Please no google searches or cheating. Answer to follow on May 22.
Reader Comments (32)
And making the answer available on May 22 is hilarious!
Camping always seems to know the exact year of Biblical events ("2007 B.C. when Jacob was born") that others scholars know only approximately. He then gives great significance to arbitrary numbers ("4000 years") and does math on them.
So what is the deal with 1994? Was that maybe Camping's first failed prediction? Did that get revised somehow to 2011?
Maybe I'll make some popcorn and stay up late for the apocalypse.
Just what exactly is so difficult about "no man knows the day or the hour"?
"As the Bible says, 'We do not know the day nor the hour.' but...
We know that 'all these things' will take place within the generation that sees the 'budding of the fig tree', and the fig tree in the Scriptures represents Israel.
"Now a generation is 40 years.
The budding of the fig tree, that is, Israel's re-establishment as a nation, happened in 1948.
So, the second coming of Christ can happen no later than 1988.
The second coming is preceded by the rapture and a seven-year tribulation.
So the RAPTURE must happen no later than 1981.
Ah, those were the days. We could almost hear the approaching hoofbeats.
Acts 1:6-7
So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority."