The Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Creation

Here's the next installment of my series on basic doctine at the Westminster Seminary California blog
Here's the next installment of my series on basic doctine at the Westminster Seminary California blog
Reader Comments (2)
Are there philosophical and scientific works that deal with the non-eternality of matter? I do remember Ken Samples mentioning the Kalam Cosmological Argument and the scientific evidence supporting the beginning of the universe in his book, "Without a Doubt". He didn't mention much of it, but I guess William Lane Craig's work would probably have the most thorough argumentation. I only read part of Sample's book, so he might have discussed the topic more.
If your answer is 'no' or 'not necessarily,' then I think the issue of Biblical authority is one you need to address before you begin thinking of attempting to harmonize Christian faith with belief in evolution.
I think that the Bible clearly is incompatible with evolution. Here is a good link with information you may find valuable, regarding theistic evolution: