Every Eye Will See Him

Both TBN and Daystar have opened television studios (wannabe news bureaus) in Jerusalem. Paul and Matt Crouch along with Joseph Prince are shown broadcasting from TBN's newly purchased Jerusalem studio--with an impressive view of the Mount of Olives in the background.
Both studios are in camera range of the Mount of Olives because they hope to be ready to broadcast (with "live" coverage, of course) our Lord's second advent. It will probably come as no surprise that I remain quite unconvinced that this is what John meant when he wrote, "Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen" (Revelation 1:7). The news story on the new TBN studio can be found here: LA Times story on TBN/Daystar studios
Ironies abound. Two "Christian" networks competing for the best "live" view of Jesus' return. My guess is that the camera crews and on-air reporters are not Christians, because they need to be "left behind" to run the cameras and provide the on-air live commentary.
Even better, to establish their new studio, TBN purchased the building which houses the LA Times Jerusalem bureau! The Times has long been one of scandal-ridden TBN's biggest critics (although the OC Register has been even more critical of recent doings at TBN than the Times-- Infighting at TBN). Now the Times has to cut Paul and Jan a regular rent check!
Oh the ironies . . .
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