This Week at Christ Reformed Church (October 28-November 3)

Sunday Morning (11/03/13): We return to our series on the Gospel of John and we come to John 13, and the apostle's account of the Last Supper. Our text this Sunday is John 13:1-20.
Sunday Afternoon: We continue to take up the "rejection of errors" section of the First Head of Doctrine of the Canons of Dort. Does God merely expect people to do their best with what they have? Our catechism service begins @ 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study (10/30/13): We are continuing our series, "Studies in the Book of Revelation." We have come to the third cycle of visions in Revelation (Rev. 8:2-11:19) and will be discussing Rev. 8:2-13. Bible study begins at 7:30 p.m.
The Friday Night Academy (11/01/13): Ken Samples continues his Academy series, "Responding to Islam." His third lecture is on Islamic anthropology and is entitled, "Do I Need a Prophet or a Savior?
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