I Feel Old Today and Some Other Things to Complain About

I really feel old today--especially on the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination. That I remember this event so well, and that it made such an impact upon me (see my discussion of this with Ken Samples in the link below) means that I am quickly nearing the status of "old man." Nevertheless, I am very thankful to be approaching sixty, and that I can actually remember things quite well which happened fifty years ago!
I can't help but wonder why celebrity psychic Ms. Browne did not know that she was going to die . . . She could have told her husband and children while they still had time a get huge life insurance policy on her! And no, she's not having a party on the other side. Hollywood psychic
I don't know about you, but if I found a black widow spider in a bunch of grapes, I don't think I'd follow the advice mentioned in this news story. Take it outside and let it go? You gotta be kidding me! How about smashing it with a brick? A black widow in your grapes
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