Friday Feature -- When Your Life Flashes Before You

This one is a bit longer than I usually post, but is a remarkable short film based on an Ambrose Bierce's short story. Well worth watching.
This one is a bit longer than I usually post, but is a remarkable short film based on an Ambrose Bierce's short story. Well worth watching.
Reader Comments (1)
I live in Alabama, and my boys and I took a Sunday drive into Blount County yesterday (Dec 8) to hike around the Locust Fork branch of the Warrior River. We spent some time on an old covered bridge, very much like the one in the story. It rained recently and the river looked like a raging maelstrom of milk chocolate--and cold! Try watching that from a creaky old wooden bridge way out in the woods! Also, we visited a historical area up river a bit where Nathan Bedford Forrest and is men engaged some Yankee raiders at a ferry crossing.
When I got home, I noticed your post and watched this short film. I ended up reading Bierce's short story to my sons before bed, which we very much enjoyed--especially because the events of the day made the setting of the story very real!
I haven't shown them the film yet, but will soon. I especially enjoyed the surrealist moments. Amazing.
Thank you and Christmas greetings!