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Its Opening Day!



There are five seasons in my world--Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and Baseball season.  Opening day means 162 new box scores, catching a few minutes of MLB Tonight before going to bed, and sneaking a peek at Game Day (the greatest benefit of Al Gore's internet).

It is Time for Predictions (Leave yours in the comments section below):

AL East:  Tampa in a squeaker (with Boston or the Yankees winning the wild card)

Al Central:  Detroit (pitching, pitching, and more pitching)

AL West:  Texas

NL East:  Atlanta (Nats winning the wild card)

NL Central:  The Cards (who will win the World Series)

NL West:  The Dodgers (pitching, hitting, and more pitching)

Reader Comments (5)

Hope it warms up a bit first! On and off snow/sleet/cold rain today. Supposed to be in the 40's on Friday for the Bosox home opener!
March 31, 2014 | Unregistered Commenterpb
Are those prophecies to be considered Ex Cathedra?
March 31, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRubeRad

Nothing on this blog is Ex Cathedra! A few educated guesses, perhaps. And then sometimes I just wing it!
March 31, 2014 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger
Pete Rose "preached a sermon" on second chances at "movie church."
April 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRobin

I'll bet Pete bet on how many hits his interview would get!
April 4, 2014 | Registered CommenterKim Riddlebarger

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