This Week's White Horse Inn

You Are What You Feel?
We are continuing our series on Brand Me, issues in authority and identity in the Christian life, on the White Horse Inn. This week we will be looking at feelings in a therapeutic culture. What are feelings and how should they shape our identity? Are our feelings that which constitute who we are and the moral path we should follow?
Are we what we feel? What are the challenges of the Christian faith in a therapeutic world? That's what we're going to be asking in this program. What does it mean when we keep trying in this culture to invent and reinvent ourselves? When objective truth is no longer valued, subjective experience fills the void. The result is that feelings end up becoming the new reality. Thus, sinful feelings of various kinds aren't things to be repressed or resisted but end up becoming defining characteristics which are to be not only enjoyed but celebrated as they shape our new identities. Join us this week on another edition of the White Horse Inn as we discuss such an important topic.
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