This Week's White Horse Inn

The Work of the Spirit
This week on the White Horse Inn we begin a new series on the Work of the Holy Spirit. Justin Holcomb joins us once more as we look at the Spirit’s ordinary and extraordinary work in creation, providence, and redemption. Justin is an Episcopal minister and adjunct professor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. He has written and edited a number of books, including On the Grace of God and Rid of My Disgrace. His most recent works include Know the Creeds and Councils and Know the Heretics (both Zondervan, 2014).
On this episode we consider the nature of the Holy Spirit’s work, discussing the purpose of signs and wonders throughout redemptive history. Why is it difficult for Christians to agree on what the Holy Spirit does? How should we begin to understand his work in the world and in our lives? How does the Spirit relate to the other members of the Godhead? Should we expect to see spectacular miracles or does the Spirit work primarily through providence in our own time? Why does Jesus say that a wicked generation seeks after signs and wonders? Join us as we explore the work of this vital member of the Holy Trinity on the White Horse Inn.
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