Dr. Rod Rosenbladt on "Pietism" and "Christ Alone"

My White Horse Inn compatriot and dear friend, Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, was recently on "Issues, Etc."
Dr. Rosenbladt on Pietism
Dr. Rosenbladt on Christ alone
My White Horse Inn compatriot and dear friend, Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, was recently on "Issues, Etc."
Dr. Rosenbladt on Pietism
Dr. Rosenbladt on Christ alone
Reader Comments (2)
But there is an item in Rod's lecture that is a bit confusing to me, beginning at about minute 6:00. He refers to Spener and Butzer in Strasburg, "a strong 120 proof Calvinist city" as some of the beginning points of the pietistic movement. Why would a strongly Calvinistic area influence these people toward introspection and progressive sanctification? The historic Reformed theology that I read about on blogs like this one and the Heidelblog seem to emphasize justification sola fide as much as the confessional Lutherans.