Adding Insult to Injury

Update on Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 03:13PM by
Kim Riddlebarger

Here's a great response to the White House's very poor decision to rub Christian citizen's faces in the recent SSM decision. Why the "Rainbow White House is a Bad Idea
h.t. PB
The White House should not ever be used as an icon or celebration for any particular political or even social cause or purpose, regardless of our personal belief on the rightness of that cause. It just shouldn't.
It's the people's House which we happily and proudly present to every President to conduct his solemn business of leading our nation and for the protection, enjoyment, and relaxation of his family. It is not one person’s, administration’s, or particular group’s house to proclaim his or their particular views on any topic of social or public policy.
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