I had the Weirdest Dream Last Night . . .

I woke up this morning and thought to myself, I had the weirdest dream last night . . .
Donald Trump was elected president.
The Cubs won the world series.
The UK left the EU.
And then the Clintons just disappeared . . .
But at least I can now get stoned if I want, even if I can't buy bullets or use a plastic bag when I go to the store.
The turnout numbers from this election help put things in proper perspective--Americans stayed home or didn't vote top of the ballot.
From Ben Sasse's twitter feed this morning: Republican vote was down, but HRC's vote was down much more . . .
2008 -- Obama 69 million
2012 -- Obama 66 million
2004 -- Bush 62 million
2012 -- Romney 61 million
2008 -- McCain 60 million
2016 -- Clinton 59.6 million (with a few more to go)
2016 -- Trump 59.4 million (with a few more to go)
Reader Comments (3)
Concerning Ben Sasse, I don't see how a person like him that opposed Trump can remain relevant in the GOP, at least not at the moment. Trump seems to own the party. David French at NRO seems to be right in that the GOP is now at it's strongest position in a long time. Just from the present perspective, the current results, and without regard to ethics and race relations, the GOP has done nothing wrong and has no need to change it's methods. The Religious Right is revitalized. Such a party has no current need of Sasse. And it seems Trump has an enemies list; I'm sure Sasse is on it if it exists.
Oh, and did you see Mrs. Bachmann, who I think is Lutheran. with David Barton? She is convinced that the prayers of Christians gave Trump the win, and she pinpoints the changes in the chances given to the candidates at a specific time with the beginning of prayers.
As for me, I am content being an exile from all our parties. I am trying to be objective and not tie myself to any party, candidate, or movement. I look forward to skipping elections, when possible, and simply dealing with what life throws at me.
I too feel like an exile, merely because I hold a classical view of politics and economics (Adam Smith, Locke, Madison, Milton Friedman, etc.). Anytime someone dared broach the deep issues which divide us, they were shouted down by the candidates and/or the media who loved the brawl, and wanted no part of discussing real solutions--just the partisan divide and the corresponding level of discourse.
Anyone who associates with Dave Barton loses all credibility.
My take on Ben Sasse is that he'll end up heading a political/economic think tank. He says he's a "fix it" guy--he is, and a good one. But he's also thinking well ahead of the curve and he would thrive in an environment where future policies were formed. If he runs for office in Nebraska, like governor, then he's running for president one day. We'll see.