This Week's White Horse Inn

The Earliest Account of Christ's Resurrection
On this program the hosts continue their series, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord. This week we will be looking at the counter-arguments that seek to dismiss the resurrection. Countless skeptics in our day continue to claim that the New Testament gospels were written long after Jesus’ crucifixion, and that, as a result, the life of Jesus was embellished over time. The real Jesus, they say, may have been a nice teacher or political revolutionary, but by the time the story was written he was presented as a kind of glorified messiah who had risen from the dead.
But there is actually new evidence—confirmed by liberal and conservative scholars alike—that in his first letter to the Corinthians, Paul recites an early Christian creed which goes back to the earliest days of the Jerusalem church. Why are so many scholars convinced of this early date, and what does it say about Jesus? Join us for this broadcast of the White Horse Inn as we continue our series The Resurrection, focusing on the foundation of the Christian faith.
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