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Entries in Church News (3)


A New URC in Tacoma/Gig Harbor???

Do you live in the Tacoma/Gig Harbor area?  Know anyone who does?  Want to see a confessional Reformed church planted in the area?  The URC is considering a church plant on the Kitsap peninsula and is currently gauging interest.

Here's the scoop:

"For those that live in the Tacoma/ Gig Harbor, WA area: Are you interested in seeing a solid, Confessional Reformed church in your area? There is currently in the early planning stages a Bible study/church plant in Gig Harbor with the goal of establishing a URC church. Since this is still in its infancy we are just trying to gather some rough idea as to how many people would be interested in this work. This is a unique opportunity that the Lord has placed before us and we hope and pray that the field is ready for the harvest on the Kitsap Peninsula.

So if you live near Gig Harbor and this interests you then please send an e-mail to Mark Vander Pol at or check our blog at If you know somebody that lives close to that location then please forward this information on to them! This group needs to know that you are out there so please contact them!"




Yes, this is the same Mark Vander Pol who prepared the eschatology charts posted on this blog.  He's about to graduate from Westminster Seminary California and is a great guy.


Please help spread the word!


Tonight's Academy Lecture -- "Jesus and the Other Religious Faces in the Crowd"

Here's the info about tonight's lecture from the Christ Reformed website:

Join us on Friday, January 9 when Ken Samples begins his new Academy series entitled “Jesus and the Other Religious Faces in the Crowd” Ken's first lecture is: "Jesus: Man, Myth, Madman, Menace, Mystic, Martian or Messiah?"

This lecture series will compare and contrast the historic Christian portrait of Jesus Christ with the world’s great religious leaders, including Gautama (Buddha), Confucius, Krishna, Lao-Tzu, Mahavira, Muhammad, Nanak, Baha’ullah, and Zoroaster. The series will explore the religious leader’s distinct status, mission, and legacy in comparison with Christ.

Textbooks: Neighboring Faiths by Winfried Corduan; Without a Doubt by Kenneth Samples

For more information, Click here: Christ Reformed Info - Schedule of Academy Classes and Author's Forums


Potential URC Church Plant in South Orange County

If you live in South Orange County (San Clemente/Dana Point/San Juan Capistrano) and would like to see a URC congregation planted there one day, a core group is forming with the goal of beginning the work of church-planting.

Here's the announcement from the consistory of the Oceanside URC.

Dear co-laborers in southern California,
The consistory of the Oceanside URC is convinced that south Orange County (San Clemente/Dana Point/San Juan Capistrano) needs a confessionally Reformed congregation. Over the past 6 months we have discussed, prayed, studied, and developed a plan to explore gathering a core group. With that in mind we have commissioned Jon Moersch, who recently sustained his candidacy exam, to do this work. We ask two things of our fellow churches of Classis Southwest: 1) to pray for a core group to develop in this area, and, 2) play an active role by directing any people you know in south Orange County who are not members of a Reformed congregation to check out our website: