"To Take Away My Reproach" -- Luke 1:5-25

Here's the video and audio from this morning's sermon for the third Sunday in Advent.
Video: "To Take Away My Reproach" -- Luke 1:5-25
Living in Light of Two Ages
Here's the video and audio from this morning's sermon for the third Sunday in Advent.
Video: "To Take Away My Reproach" -- Luke 1:5-25
Here the Links to Our Easter Services
Video: "He Has Risen! He Is Not Here" -- Mark 16:1-8 A Sermon for Easter Sunday 2020
Audio: "He Has Risen! He Is Not Here" -- Mark 16:1-8 A Sermon for Easter Sunday 2020
Catechism Lesson
Video: Rev. Lenzner: "Do This in Remembrance of Me" -- Belgic Confession 35
Audio: Rev. Lenzner: "Do This In Remembrance of Me" -- Belgic Confession 35
Below are the links to the audio and video for Palm Sunday: Week 4 in Exile
Video: Palm Sunday: "Blessed Is the Coming Kingdom of Our Father David" -- Mark 11:1-11
Audio: Palm Sunday: "Blessed Is the Coming Kingdom of Our Father David" -- Mark 11:1-11
Catechism Lesson
Video: Rev. Lenzner: "His Servants Will Worship Him" -- Heidelberg Catechism, Q & A 58
Audio: Rev. Lenzner: "His Servants Will Worship Him" -- Heidelberg Catechism, Q & A 58
Here's the audio from this morning's sermon on Genesis 3:1-19, for the First Sunday in Advent: "Her Offspring" -- Genesis 3:1-19
Here's the audio from this morning's Easter sermon: He Has Risen from the Dead
Here's the audio from tonight's sermon on Matthew 27:27-56: Click Here
Palm Sunday, “This is Jesus, the Prophet from Nazareth in Galilee”
Texts: Matthew 21:1-17; Zechariah 9:9-17
Audio: Behold Your King Is Coming
Maundy Thursday, "When I Drink It New With You in My Father's Kingdom”
Texts: Matthew 26:17-30; Exodus 24:1-18
Audio: When I Drink It New With You
Good Friday, “My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?”
Texts: Matthew 27:27-56; Psalm 22:1-24
Audio: My God, My God
Easter Sunday, April 1, “He Has Risen From the Dead”
Texts: Matthew 27:57-28:15; Psalm 16:1-11
Audio: He Has Risen from the Dead