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Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from April 1, 2006 - April 30, 2006


Watch Out for Those Christian Drivers!

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Do Christian drivers pose a danger to others?  Some think so!  According to a half-hearted challenge issued on Stay Free! Daily . . .

Saved Premillenialist Christians Shouldn't Drive

I'm sure everyone here has been driving and seen the bumper sticker that reads "In case of Rapture, car will be unmanned." While this never fails to inspire some very action-movie style daydreams and exciting video game premises, it also brings up a far more practical issue: should saved Christians be allowed to drive?

One would think that, if we don't grant driver's licences to narcoleptics, epileptics, or other people who may, at random, lose all control of their careening vehicle, we sure as hell won't grant a license to someone who may just up and disappear without warning. But, this never seems to come up.

That fundamentalist, evangelical, end-times-anticipating Christians seek to create or alter legislation to support their beliefs is not exactly news. And, of course, it's well within their rights to petition and badger and seek to achieve their goals of teaching religious pseudoscience in schools, or keeping gay people from marrying, and so on-- but it seems to me that if they are really going to be forthright in their goals of altering the laws of the United States to fit their theology, they can't just pick and choose the laws they want. To really be taken seriously, they need to go all the way, to do the right thing and press for legislation stipulating that anyone who has accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts cannot safely pilot a motorized vehicle or similar heavy machinery.

I'm willing also to consider legislation that would provide for them the right to pilot small, possibly electric city-cars that are speed-limited to 25 MPH, contain adequate warning lights and signage, and, upon detection of loss of driver (via a simple switch in the seat that disengages when the driver is raptured away) sounds a warning klaxon as it slowly comes to a safe, controlled stop under automatic control.

So, saved Premillenialist Christians, here's my challenge to you: go all the way. Fight for what you want in our schools, our hospitals, our public places, but stick to your beliefs on our highways as well. I mean, that's what being a fundamentalist is all about, right?

To read the article, Click here: Stay Free! Daily: Saved Premillenialist Christians Shouldn't Drive



Who Said That?

question mark.jpgWho said this?

Q. What is the direct antidote to . . . the doctrine of heart-holiness?

A.  Calvinism:  All the devices of Satan . . . have done far less toward stopping this work of God, than that single doctrine.  It strikes at the root of salvation from sin, previous to glory (death), putting the matter on quite another issue.

Q.  But wherein lie the charms of this doctrine?  What makes men swallow it so greedily?

A.  (1)  It seems to magnify Christ; although in reality it supposes him to have died in vain.  For the absolutely elect must have been saved without him; and the non-elect cannot be saved by him.

(2)  It is highly pleasing to the flesh and blood, final perseverance in particular.

Can you guess who said this?  No cheating--google searches or otherwise!