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"Amillennialism 101" -- Audio and On-Line Resources


Living in Light of Two Ages


Entries from December 1, 2005 - December 31, 2005


Have I Got a Church For You!

Mega church.jpgHere's the ultimate seeker's paradise . . .   The "Me" Church.

You'll love this one!  Click here: meCHURCH 1:25


Christological Controversy in Surprising Places

Jesus Football.jpg

Not only is this bit of Catholic kitsch pretty tacky, it also might raise serious Christological questions in the mind of a child.

Is it a sin to tackle Jesus like # 21 is doing?

Could Jesus ever fumble?  If so, according to which nature?  Certainly his human nature . . .

If Jesus knows before each play what the defense is going to do, will he tell the quarterback?

Will Jesus heal those who get hurt during the game?

Will he perform miracles to help one side win?

What happens when both teams ask for his help in the pre-game prayer?

I'm sure you can think of others . . . 

This is why our catechism wisely exhorts us not to try and be wiser than God and to be instructed solely by his word and not by images (Heidelberg Catechism Q/A 98)



Before They Were Infamous

benny_yearbook.jpg  This is someone you have all seen on TV . . .  This is his 1968 high school yearbook photo--probably his sophomore year.  Any guesses?????