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Entries in Kitsch (8)


Looking for a "Christian Themed" Vacation Destination This Summer?

How about this image of Jesus walking on water outside the Museum of Religious Arts in Logan, Iowa?  And there are plenty more!

Sadly, this is one of the least tacky examples from a recent photo essay from the Washington PostAmerica's Christian Entertainment Destinations

(h.t. John Siston)


Fact Can Be Stranger than Fiction

If you look closely, you might see more than a slight resemblance between King Solomon and John Travolta.  That is because there is.

A "Bible Wax Museum" in Mansfield, Ohio, has been cutting costs by purchasing wax figures of celebrities from a now defunct Madame Tussaud’s Museum in Arkansas.  Among the wax figures transformed into "Biblical Heros" include Steve McQueen, Tom Cruise (who is the wax "Jesus" about to be baptized by John--see the article for the image), Elizabeth Taylor, Ringo Starr, and Prince Phillip.

Like I say, you cannot make this stuff up.  Click Here

(h.t. Larry Johnson)


"Would You Like Fries to Go With That Burger?"

Real Clear Religion recently ran a column on Ugly Clerical Vestments.  This was my pick.  Can't tell if it is a burger or a "Sloppy Joe."


Miss Velma's "Christmas In America"

It doesn't get "kitschier"  than this.  Frankly, there are not words.

Some of you who live in So Cal might remember this. 

Every Christmas, the "Universal World Church" ran their "Christmas in America" special featuring "Miss Velma" (who was a crack shot).  Miss Velma's husband was Dr. O. L. Jaggers, who was some sort of Pentecostal evangelist with a gazillion fake degrees, and an act like Elvis. 

Mr. and Mrs. Jaggers claimed to have discovered the secret to eternal youth (of course, both looked haggard and old, and are now dead and gone).  They built the "Golden Altar of Incense Prayer" in their church in downtown LA and for a time attracted a large following.

For many years, Miss Velma's "Christmas in America" special ran late at night on Christmas Eve.  An employee of mine video taped it.  The old CURE gang watched it after a White Horse Inn taping to howls of laughter.  Nothing like explaining Miss Velma to Rod.

Someone at church mentioned it on Sunday, and since it is available on YouTube, I couldn't resist.

Be sure to watch some of the other snippets of Miss Velma's "Christmas in America" on YouTube as well ("Christmas in America").  The Christmas turtle is my favorite.


A Marriage Made in Kitsch Heaven










  Saw this posted on Religious New Service (Click here: Modern Reformation - Religious News).  This is a great fit--two of the tackiest ventures on earth become as one!

"Trinity Broadcasting Network has become the new owner of the Holy Land Experience, a biblical theme park in Orlando, Fla.  `This marriage will bring an unprecedented synergy to both ministries and the production that is done there will be seen by a worldwide audience,' said Paul F. Crouch Jr., vice president of administration for the Santa Ana, Calif.-based TBN.

Crouch said the acquisition comes as the network offers local programming through Orlando's WGTL-TV Channel 52, which it acquired last year, and will simultaneously `provide `The Holy Land Experience' with much-needed promotion to bring more people to the theme park and Orlando as a whole.'  The ownership change came as five members of the network's leadership, including Crouch, and his parents and TBN founders Paul F. and Janice W. Crouch, were announced as new board members of the theme park.  `The mission of The Holy Land Experience is to bring the Bible to life for everyone who comes through our gates,' said Tom Powell, president of the theme park.  `The strength of the TBN leaders will empower The Holy Land Experience to carry on this important mission, in new and creative ways utilizing 12,000 television stations and 67 satellites.' 

The Orlando Sentinel reported that the tourist attraction -- which features music, drama and portrayals of Jesus' ministry, death and resurrection -- has experienced financial troubles and declining attendance."

At least TBN can't move it to Orange County near their present facility--far and away the gaudiest building in all of Orange County (and that includes anything @ Disneyland). 



About as Tacky as It Gets

praying-plush.jpgDave Hunt sent this to me (not that Dave Hunt, but the Reformed guy named David Hunt who lives in Texas and reads this blog).  He saw this in the local mall and took this picture with his cellphone. 

No, this was not a Christian bookstore, but it might as well have been (or it will be by next the CBA).

Don't even start me on this one . . . (ugh)


Incredibly Tacky Biblical Action Figures

Looking for some distinctly Christian entertainment to keep the kids away from "secular" pursuits?  How about a line of "Christian" action figures to keep the kiddos busy?

You can take your choice between a very white Adam, and a dark-skinned Adam!

adam-b.gif           adam.gif


mary-b.gif jesus-b.gif

Then you can pick between a black or white Jesus (with a black or white Mary, of course).  Jesus comes complete with action grip hand! 

But my Favorite is Job -- he comes complete with sores!  job.gif

Unfortunately, the sores don't show up as well on the optional black Job.

To see the entire tacky line, Click here: train up a child biblical action figures,Jesus Action Figure, biblical action figures, bible action figures, jesus

(H. T. Rich Gilbert)


Christological Controversy in Surprising Places

Jesus Football.jpg

Not only is this bit of Catholic kitsch pretty tacky, it also might raise serious Christological questions in the mind of a child.

Is it a sin to tackle Jesus like # 21 is doing?

Could Jesus ever fumble?  If so, according to which nature?  Certainly his human nature . . .

If Jesus knows before each play what the defense is going to do, will he tell the quarterback?

Will Jesus heal those who get hurt during the game?

Will he perform miracles to help one side win?

What happens when both teams ask for his help in the pre-game prayer?

I'm sure you can think of others . . . 

This is why our catechism wisely exhorts us not to try and be wiser than God and to be instructed solely by his word and not by images (Heidelberg Catechism Q/A 98)