About as Tacky as It Gets

Dave Hunt sent this to me (not that Dave Hunt, but the Reformed guy named David Hunt who lives in Texas and reads this blog). He saw this in the local mall and took this picture with his cellphone.
No, this was not a Christian bookstore, but it might as well have been (or it will be by next the CBA).
Don't even start me on this one . . . (ugh)

Reader Comments (12)
Heidelbeargers... probably chant the confession and catechism(bend the right or left ear) with optional commentary from Zacharias Ursinus (press the nose) wonder american made piety is like 3 sheets to the wind, informed as it is by weak-kneed evangelicalism, romanticism, revivalism and all related ilk. it simply cannot sustain the real world or real life. that what he meant by "don't get me started...?
Good one. I think, however, that if they make a "preaching doll" it would not preach, but give "words of encouragement & motivation" instead... like Joel Olsteen.
Can you imagine a Joel Olsteen doll? It would be hilarious and frustrating at the same time. Whatever you pushed, you just COULDN'T get him to preach Christ. :-)
In Christ
Mike Ratliff
At that time I was working for the bookstore we had Nintendo games for fundies. Ugh! I seem to remember that one of the objectives of one of these games was to help baby Moses float safely down the Nile. That was the last straw for me. I was slowly denouncing fundamentalism at that time and these “Christian” video games was embarrassing for me to even promote.
Many of these fundie parents felt better that their children are not playing video games that “promoted violence.” No, just promoting no theology to ground their children in the faith! Things like this make it very hard not to use “blue laws” language to express my utter frustration with silly stuff like this.
I know that Mr. Riddlebarger understand because of his history of working in a “Christian” bookstore.
But I'd like to know, how is this any worse than any other thing that goes on in the name Christ? The children's classic prayer is as faithless now as it has been for years. It's no surprise that someone recorded it and put it in a plush doll. Why does it matter where kids learn this faithless prayer? They either learn it from thier parents, sunday school teachers, church, God forbid thier pastors... and now they can learn it from a plush toy.
It's just another in a long line of examples of how the church at large... Reformed, Lutheran, Roman, EO... All have turned to apostacy gladly and with a collective "Awwwwwww, ain't dat cute?".